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Selling in Color

Mar 30, 2021

Sales is for everyone, no matter the race or color. It’s not just for white people. Today’s guest is Toya Brown-Riberdy. Tune in and listen as Toya Brown-Riberdy and Donald Kelly talk about why recognizing that black people sell every day is now important. 

The ‘black people aren’t good salespeople’...

Mar 23, 2021

Sales never occurred to Caleb Norris as a potential career, and despite his struggles in high school, he broke into tech sales fresh out of college. 

He had started to believe limiting ideas about himself before graduation, but he got a job in a restaurant and he had a chance to start working on marketing and ROI for...

Mar 16, 2021

A lot of us grew up believing that sales is for white people. In truth, sales is for everyone. In this episode, Donald Kelly is joined by Agnel Ingalls. Listen to the episode as they both talk about this subject and the assumption that sales is for white people. 

Getting to know Agnel Ignalls

  • Agnel only stumbled into...

Mar 9, 2021

As sales leaders, do we ask ourselves how we can help those coming into sales after us to find success? Sales is difficult if you are without a mentor or coach. In this episode, Jacob Gebrewold talks about the importance of helping new salespeople to succeed. 

Jacob’s beginning in sales

  • Jacob didn’t get into sales...

Mar 2, 2021

There are many black women in sales and despite the challenges, they keep on moving forward to have success. Tune in as today’s guest, Cynthia Barnes, speaks of the challenges affecting black women in sales. 

Cynthia Barnes is the founder and CEO of the National Association of Women Sales Professionals. It’s a...